From sand to glass, from data to knowledge
Sand is composed of grains, raw and heterogeneous, dispersed in space, of irregular size, just like data. But if we take sand and melt it we get glass, moldable into any shape, while maintaining transparency.
Sand casting is the process of reconstituting the crystal lattice of glass, just as the HCR® model makes information as transparent as glass.
Raw data is transformed into strategic information (with a metaphor "sand becomes crystal" ), regaining their crystal lattice and becoming transparent.
The "formula structure" of the HCR® model has the following elements: dimensions, hierarchies, relations and metrics.
Hierarchical: hierarchical component
It allows you to move from synthesis to analysis and vice versa. It is possible to select groups of elements or individuals according to their distinctive characteristics.
Cartesian: multidimensional component
It allows to describe the data preserving its original form characterized by the presence of numerous logical dimensions. Moreover, navigation is carried out on each dimension regardless of any query language.
Relational: relational component
It allows to settle the sparsity generated by an extreme characterization of individuals in very different categories.
The main advantages of this approach are: